Class learning activity: Possible topics, pointers and evaluation criteria

The goal of a class learning activity is to help students (and possibly yours truly) gain practical knowledge
about a topic or skill related to multimedia e-learning.
Bear in mind that a learning activity is more than a passive Powerpoint presentation.
You should plan on leading the class for about 10 minutes, give or take 5 minutes. If you think you need more time or a lab setting, let me know further in advance.

Here are some other possible topics:

Arrange presentations with me (Prof Blank) at least one class in advance, by sending me an outline (e-mail is fine).

Prepare an outline organizing your learning hierarchically. Here's a boiler-plate top level outline:

Estimate how long your activity will take. Again, you have about 10 minutes, give or take 5 minutes, but refine your estimate when you submit your outline.

Pointers for presentation:

Prof Blank