CSE 271: Homework 9

Assigned: 22 April
Due: 26 April

For this assignment you will re-purpose a prior report that you have written and format it within LATEX. It doesn't matter when the report was written, or for what subject. Take your existing report and do your best to re-format it within LATEX. The report should be between 4 and 8 pages long when you are done.

Your report must:

You can learn how to do each of these things by reading additional chapters of Flynn's book on LaTeX.

You do not:

Submission Requirements

  1. As usual, your homework must reside in the cse271.131/hw9 subdirectory.
  2. Do a touch DONE when your homework, consisting of hw9.tex, hw9.ps, and associated temporary files, is ready to be collected.

Last revised: 2 April 2013.