Advanced Topics in Networking


InstructorBrian D. Davison, Ph.D.
Introduction: This course will focus on reading and presenting networking-related papers, with a semester-long project. There will be no exams, but paper and presentation summaries will be required, and course participation will be evaluated. We will explore three topics simultaneously through the semester: peer-to-peer networks, content networking, and classic networking papers.
Objectives: To become proficient at reading technical papers; to gain knowledge of important current networking research; to learn to write critical reviews of research papers; to explore a research project in some depth and write a technical paper summarizing that work.
Prerequisites: CSE342 Fundamentals of Internetworking or ECE404 Computer Networks or equivalent.
Examinations: None
Textbook(s): None. We will instead read and discuss significant and recent papers.
Meeting Times

Readings Schedule


Expected grading is: paper critiques 20%; class participation 20%; in-class paper presentations 20%; semester project 40%.
Semester Projects


Useful links

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Last revised: 30 April 2003.