CSE/ECE404 Individual Project


Individual Project (15 pts):

Client-server file transfer applications based on UDP (including both client side application and  server side application) with a gateway application emulating unreliable communication links.

Study the relationship between packet loss rate (PLR) of the communication path between the client and the server and file transfer session throughput.

Project report and demo.

Point weight

The project report counts for 7 pts and should include the following contents:
1. Project title and abstract;
2. Project description/objective/goal;
3. Approach/method: descriptions of protocols, how to simulate the packet loss and how to measure the throughput, etc.;
4. Project implementation details and source code explanations;
5. Relationship between packet loss rates (PLR) and file transfer session throughputs; and
6. Appendix: project SOURCE code burned in a CD or attached in an email sent to me.

The demo counts for the other 8 pts and should demonstrate that:
(i) your program can correctly transfer files between two different machines through a gateway;
(ii) the gateway drops packets according to the packet loss rate specified; and
(iii) both stop-and-wait and go-back-n ARQ work as expected by reviewing the sequence numbers and request numbers during the file transfer session.

Everyone in the class should hand in her or his individual project report before 11:55 PM on Nov. 12 to the CourseSite system.

Suggested steps of implementation:
Single client case with stop-and-wait and single thread gateway;
Sliding-window based retransmission;
Relationship between PLR and file-transfer session throughput.

Relevant books:

M. J. Donahoo and K. L. Calvert, TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001
K. L. Calvert and M. J. Donahoo, TCP/IP Sockets in Java: Practical Guide for Programmers, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002
W. R. Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, Prentice Hall PTR, 2nd Edition, 1998
B. Quinn and D. Shute, Windows Sockets Network Programming, Addison-Wesley Pub Co., 1996


This is a reminder that the FIRM deadline of the individual project is Nov. 12: the project report is due at 11:55PM on Nov. 12 and the demo is due at 4PM on Nov. 12.

Late hand-in report will NOT be graded.

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