Research and Education Integration

I have been integrating research results into undergraduate and graduate curriculum and exploring new ways to educate our students. The students benefited from these efforts spans from high-school students to Ph.D. students. For example, I have designed wireless sensing lab modules for Engineering 5: Introduction to Engineering Practice, a mandatory first-year practical engineering experience course at Lehigh University, and created a software-hardware co-design course on Network Systems Design at an advanced undergraduate level supported by the NSF and industry partner. Moreover, our project sponsored by the Department of Energy (DoE) has outreached to high-school students on topics related to smart grids.

A chronological list of funded projects
1. Network Processing and Network Processors: Bridging Undergraduate Learning and Research in Software and Hardware, supported by National Science Foundation, 2003-2006
2. Student Travel Support for IEEE INFOCOM 2009, supported by the National Science Foundation, 2009-2010, 2009-2011
3. Keystone Smart Grid Fellowship Program, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), 2010-2013

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