Development Plan (from proposal, with modifications and notes)

Updated April 20, 2001

Year 0

Summer 2000. “Ventures” funding from Lehigh University.


·   Design prototype user interface. 

         Done.  (Martin)

·   Audience and task analysis of the OOSE module.  

         Done.  Available on web site.

·   Design prototype of OOSE module.

Script of ADT lesson done. (Harriet and Glenn)  See

·   Design graphical representation of personae. 

         Prototypes of professor, librarian and teaching assistant personae graphics done.  (Harriet)


·   Develop surveys to determine demographic data, learner characteristics styles, pre-tests and post-tests for the OOSE courses.  

         Done, for CS1 and OOSE courses.  Morgan will be creating new surveys.

         Registrar responded to Harriet’s request for demographic data; Morgan needs to determine whether what Registrar will provide is sufficient.

·   Teach OOSE (Fall 2000) courses at Lehigh University with limited multimedia, assign and gather course related projects, administer surveys, gather pre-test and post-test data.

   Done, for CS1 and OOSE courses.

·   Evaluate course related projects, surveys, pre-test and post-test data.

   Not done, but see year 1.  Morgan has evaluated the data, see

·   Write and submit proposals to publishers for dissemination.

   Attempted for CS1 course, but hit wall.  Betsy Jones has recently released outright permission to use all material in The Universal Machine.

Collaborative networking:

·   Specify network interface for reference librarian persona.   (Kessler)

         Done.  See

Textual Data Mining:

·   No year zero milestones specified, but Bill and students have worked on design of integration and user profiling.

·   See plan in


·   Lost All-State support, received letters of industrial support from Frank (Bill), Lutron (Glenn).

·   Web site for project, designed by Soma Roy, implemented by David Sosna and Glenn (

·   PIs and key students have met with Sharon Siegler, reference librarian, to discuss how she helps students with inquiry-based learning projects and how she would use a collaborative networking environment.  More meetings planned for May and June.

Year 1


·   Implement prototype of OOSE module, user interface, personae graphics and requirements for personae behavior.

         Done, hopefully be end of next week  (Martin, Soma and Glenn). 


·   Assemble review panel to evaluate analysis and design (and prototype). 


         Recruited  OOSE experts (Yossi Gil of Technion, Christine Hofmeister), Lutron students, students in Glenn’s multimedia design class (Glenn)

         Develop survey to get feedback on prototype (Glenn, Morgan and Harriet),


         Conduct and evaluate survey using panel members and students in multimedia course. (Morgan, Harriet & Glenn). 


         Plan meeting(s): early February?

·   Rework and complete analysis and design of OOSE module, user interface, personae graphics and requirements for review panel feedback.

         Preliminary versions of these materials are available and should be posted on our web site

         for panel.  Panel should make sure that analysis of the OOSE module content is complete.

·   Implement alpha version of OOSE multimedia module incorporating alpha version of reference librarian behaviors and networking capability.

         Script writing for another lesson of OOSE module can begin soon (Soma).

         Implementation starts when script for each lesson is available.

         Target date for alpha version of OOSE module is August 2001.

·   Design & implement alpha version of multimedia module for CS1.

         Analysis by May, script writing and implementation begins in June, alpha done in August.


·   Analyze year 0 surveys.

         Done (Morgan and Debra).  See

·   Determine and specify data to track for evaluation of programs.

         Morgan and student(s) from Lehigh? David Gevry and Martin Herr?

·   Develop rubrics for analysis of performance-based assessments based on criteria from proposal and program analysis.


·   Identify test and control groups at Lehigh, and other campuses, possibly with assistance of publisher or software vendor.

         Panel might be able to help here?  Should be determined for beta.

·   Conduct interviews and focus groups of students in OOSE and CS1 classes for  evaluation.

         Morgan and Soma.

Collaborative networking:

·   Design and implement networking subsystem for remote reference personae that maintains causal ordering of communication.

·   Define semantic interface components for communication with the reference librarian personae.

·   Design and implement alpha version of interface support for “show me” interaction and integrate with networking subsystem.

         Drew and student need to determine timeline for above milestones.  Maybe refine milestones?

Textual Data Mining:

·   Design and implement alpha version of data mining server.

·      Bill and David Gevry have determined timeline.  See


·   Respond to Anita about REUs (Glenn and Bill).  Done.

·   Inform NSF of changes in industrial support and plans (no Allstate funding, CS1 instead of AITDM, detailed in this document).

·   Maintain project web site.

·   Report to NSF in August or September (Glenn, with input from Bill and Drew).

·  Project team meetings every three weeks?  (Sub-project meetings weekly.)  (Glenn)