Wedding Pictures

Below are links to photos from the wedding of my daughter Gwen to Jef Sneider on 1 August 2004 in Syracuse, NY. For each photo there are two links to the same picture, one to a low resolution (LR) picture of about 30Kb, and one to a high resolution (HR) picture of about 250Kb. Thanks to Terry Delph and Jerry Illowski for the pictures.

Edwin and Janice -- LR and HR.

Gwen and Jef (now known as the couple "Gwef") dancing -- LR and HR.

Edwin and Gwen dancing -- LR and HR.

Edwin and Sequoia dancing -- LR and HR.

The chupa -- LR and HR.

The wedding cake -- LR and HR.

The chupa -- LR and HR.

Gwef with Jerry Illowsky -- LR and HR.

Rabbi Ain with Gwef -- LR and HR.

Talia, Carolyn, Edwin, Janice, and Penny witnessing k'tuba signing -- LR and HR.

Gwef and Kniager side of Kay family LR and HR.