CSc 10: Introduction to Computing
Assignment #5 (The Universal Computer, chapters A and 4)

If you don't already have the programs in H:\ucomp\chapA, go to in Microsoft Internet Explorer, then select Open to run it.  As before, the ucsetup program will install the Java source code and other files, then it will start up the new multimedia, which you should have done in lab earlier.

The following are homework exercises. Get started working on programming exercises A.4, A.18, A.36, A.42, A.56 and 4.9 in lab. You may work on exercises A.36, A.42, A.56 and 4.9 in pairs (see below):

CSc13: A.1(a, c, e), A.4, A.8, A.16(a, d, f), A.18, A.22, A.25(d, f, j), A.27, A.36, A.42, A.59.  After studying chapter 4 in the book and multimedia on Software Engineering, do the following exercises: 4.1, 4.3, 4.9, 4.10, 4.12, 4.14.
CSc14: A.1(a, c, e), A.8, A.11, A.15, A.16(a, d, f), A.18, A.21, A.22, A.25(d, f, j), A.27, A.36, A.42, A.56, A.59.  After studying chapter 4 in the book and multimedia on Software Engineering, do the following exercises: 4.1, 4.3, 4,7, 4.9, 4.10, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.20.

Extra credit: Do any of exercises A.46, A.49 or A.50 (you may also work on these exercises using pair programming).

Note about pair programming: Pair programming (see chapter 4, page 18, exercise 4.14) is optional, but you must follow the procedure outlined in chapter 4, page 18, working together at one computer, one partner coding, the other partner critiquing), and you declare your partners in a comment at the top of each program. For all programs that you work on as pairs, make sure your programs includes the names of both programmers in the comments; one person can submit the program, while the other person just includes a note in their file giving their partner's name for the exercises they worked on together. No "pair" work for non-programming exercises: for these, do and submit your own work.

Hand in: Put your name, user-id and lab course number (CSE13 or CSE14) in your file. Hand in your programs and answers in one file, using Blackboard.  When you're ready to submit your assignment, using a web browser, go to the Drop Box (it's under the Tools button.) Click on the Browse button, then find your file in their folder (if you put it on a floppy disk, it's in A:). When you've selected your file (put all your work in one file), you should see a directory path to this file next to the Browse button. If it looks right to you, click on the Send File button (the Add button doesn't send the file!). If you have any questions about submitting assignments or grading, please send email with attachments to Faisal Khan (fmk2).

Due: Friday, 10/18.

Prof. Blank