CSc 11: Introduction to Computing
Assignment #6 (Chapters 9 and 10)

Write answers to the following exercises, found in the textbook: 9.2, 9.12, 9.15, 10.3, 10.8, 10.15, 10.25, 10.35, 10.42.
Design and implement programs that solve the problems posed in exercises in the textbook: 9.9, 9.19, 9.34 and 9.43. For each program, write a main() function that calls another function (or functions) performing most of the actual work. The main() function is test driver for each program, calling the other functions to test what their behavior in different ways.

Extra credit: programming exercises 9.48 or 9.49, written exercises 10.21 and/or 10.36.

Due: Thursday, 11/9, anytime before midnight. (This due date supercedes the one in the syllabus.)

Hand in: When you're ready to submit your assignment, combine the answers to all the exercises (including source code for the programming exercises. Then, using a web browser, go to The Student Drop Box for Introduction to Computing. (It's under Student Tools.) Click on the Browse button, then find your files in their folder (if you put it on a floppy disk, it's in A:). When you've selected your file, you should see a directory path to this file next to the Browse button. If it looks right to you, click on the Send File to Instructor button. Then you should see this file listed under Current Files in your DropBox. The Teaching Assistant, Jeffrey Eynon, will get this file and grade it.

For exercise 9.32, you may start with the program available on the The Universal Machine CD-ROM or in Y:\lib\gcc\lookout\ch9 on the campus LANs.

Prof. Blank