CSE 15: Survey of Computing
Assignment #1 (Chapter 1)

Do exercises 1.1, 1.7, 1.10, 1.14, 1.15, 1.25, 1.34, 1.38, in the textbook, The Universal Computer.

Extra credit: exercises 1.17, 1.18, 1.21, 1.22, 1.28 and/or 1.35.
(You may do any combination of extra credit exercises, just make sure you note that you are handing in extra credit.)

Due: Monday, 9/1, anytime before midnight. (See hand-in instructions below.)

Hand in: Enter all your answers into a single text file, using an text editor such as notepad. Hand in your homework using the Drop Box accessible via the Tools button for the CSE 15 Blackboard page. Please hand in your assignments in the Blackboard Drop Box. Once you're in the Drop Box tool, click on the Browse button, then find your file in its folder (if you put it on a floppy disk, it's in A:). When you've selected your file, you should see a directory path to this file next to the Browse button. If it looks right to you, click on the Send File button. (Note: the Add File button does not actually send anything to your TA, it just adds more files before you press the Send File button--it's easier just to send one file.) Then you should see this file listed under Current Files in your DropBox. One of the Teaching Assistants will get this file, grade it, and upload his comments to the Drop Box.


Exercise 1.1:
Just be honest. The purpose of this exercise is to introspect and reflect; there are no right or wrong answers.

Exercise 1.7
Review concepts covered in the preceding pages of the textbook and/or the multimedia.

Exercise 1.10
The textbook goes over a few examples at the top of page 10.

Exercise 1.14:
Figure out how many bits you need to distinguish all 26 characters, then use assign a code with this many bits to each character, each one getting a unique binary code.

Exercises 1.25
Study the example in the textbook, which traces a simpler machine step by step. You don't have to be quite as verbose, so long as you are clear about what is happening in each step, showing the each step's instruction, and the state of the tape and the head's location and content, with a short comment about the purpose of each step.

If you have any questions that aren't covered by these hints, feel free to send me email, and I may update these hints.

Prof. Blank