CSE 15: Introduction to Computer Science
Assignment #4 (Classes and Software Engineering)

In A Multimedia Introduction to C++, write answers for exercises 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.12, 12.14a, and 12.15.  In The Universal Computer, write answers for exercises 4.2, 4.3, 4.8, 4.10 (it should say 4.8, not 4.6).
Design and implement a program that solves exercise 12.10.  Also design and implement a program that reads in the numeric month, day and year, on three separate lines, then puts them together into one new Lstring with slashes ("/") in the right places, then displays the result, i.e.:

Enter a numeric month, day and year on three separate lines:

Finally, do exercises 12.24 (only instead of libtest.cc, you should look at randtest.cc, also in the ch12Outside folder) and 4.13, in pairs.  If you have access to the CIMEL client software, your partner should also be someone with access.  (You do not have to use the software to interact, but you should be able to do so.  You can find out who has access for this assignment by looking at the CIMEL client Contact List, CSE 15 > Students.)  When you submit your homework, give the name of your partner for these two exercises.

Hints: Even though the program reads in parts of data as numbers, they need not be stored as numbers, but as Lstrings. Then use Lstring's concatenation operator, +, to build the internal Lstringfrom individual Lstrings, including the slashes.

Extra credit: 12.18, 12.19  and/or 4.14.  (Sorry, the musical notes play through a PC's internal speaker, not the sound cards, so you won't hear them in headsets, and not at all in Rauch 50.)

Due: Monday, 10/6, anytime before midnight.  

Note: I encourage those of you who will have access to the CIMEL chat/show me tools to use them.  I will be online during most weekdays, except Monday, 10/6 (Yom Kippur) and the TAs will be online during their office hours and other times.  If you don't have access to the tools this time (Scott Frees would have told you if you did), I encourage you to seek any help you might need via email or office hours..

Prof. Blank