Criteria for grading CSE332 multimedia term projects

When you hand in your final project, make sure I get all the following in some form (hard copy, on the web and/or CDROM),
with a summary about where I can find everything:

  1. User manual. Explain how to set up and use your program and anything you expecially want the user to notice.
  2. System documentation. Include all versions of analysis and design documents, with my comments and your improvements.
  3. Feature list: Explain how you use media (interesting graphics, audio, video), learning interactions, drag and drop, external files or databases.
  4. Source and executable code.
  5. Credits. Include a report of all materials obtained from all sources, name the sources, whether you obtained permission or you are claiming fair use.
  6. User observation report. Explain the user(s) testing your system and summarize the results & changes you made (or would make) in response.
  7. Assessment documents. Everyone with a role on a project should submit reports for themselves and each other member (by role), twice:
    March 10 (after completing your analysis, design and UI prototype) and May 5 (with yourcomplete projects).
    You can find the assessments documents at Assessments.doc. Please be honest, reflective and constructive.

The project is worth 50% of the grade, so I have parceled out points among the following criteria::

8 Analysis
8 Design (script and/or storyboard)
9 User interface design (guidelines, prototype, effectiveness and completeness)
8 Use of media (text, graphics, animation, audio, video, following e-learning principles)
9 Learning interactions (variety and suitability of exercises, simulations or game, following e-learning principles)
3 User observations report
3 Documentation (user manual, bug report, developer's guide, to-do list)
2 Assessment reports (did each person write two reports and were their comments honest, reflective and constructive?)

For each item, I will considering e-learning principles, completeness, clarity, consistency and creativity;
I will also try to evaluate each in item in terms of effective software engineering practices,
such as interative and incremental development, responding to subject matter expert or user feedback, and teamwork.
I will also weigh individual project grades based on each person's role on the project
(i.e., librarians get more weight for documentation, media developers get more weight for use of media, etc.),
as well as peer and self assessment reports.

You are welcome to give me feedback about these criteria at any time.