Chapter 13 review. Are the following statements true or false? Explain why or why not.

a) An empty statement is a statement without any meaning.
False. An empty statement does mean something, i.e., do nothing, then go on to the next statement; this may be useful in correctly structuring nested structures. (See page 185.)

b) In a nested if-else, the indentation shows which if clause each else clause goes with.
False. The computer does not notice the indentation, but the reader does, and may be misled. (See page 184.)

c) The C++, the truth values T and F are always the integers 1 and 0, respectively.
False. The value for F is indeed 0, but the value for T is any non-zero number. (See page 186.)

d) An inclusive disjunction is true when exactly one of its disjuncts is true.
False. An inclusive disjunction is true when at least one of its disjuncts is true. Put another way, an inclusive disjunction is false when both its disjuncts are false. (See page 189.)

e) The negation of a conjunction is equivalent to the conjunction of the negations of the conjuncts.
False. The negation of a conjunction is equivalent to the disjunction of the negations of the conjuncts. (See page 190.)

f) In the C++ expression 0 < x && x < 100, the conjunction is evaluated first.
False. C++ gives relational operators (such as ‘<’) a higher priority than logical operators (See page 191.)

g) A C++ compiler would reject the expression 0 < x < 100.
False. The leftmost inequality would be evaluated, and the resulting (numerical!) value would be compared with 100. The result would almost certainly be an error. (See pages 191-192.)

h) In C++, unary operators are evaluated before binary operators.
True. Although there are certain special binary operators (to be discussed later) that do precede most of the unary operators. (See pages 192, 549-550.)

i. A menu-driven program is one that deals with food choices.
False. It's one that presents users with a list (or menu) of options and asks the user to choose from among them, until the user makes a valid choice.  (See pages 212-214.)

j. In a while loop, the loop body always executes at least once.
False.  If the conditional-expression happens to evaluate to false (0) the first time, the loop body will never be executed.  If you want a loop that executes at least once, use a do..while, described in the Beyond C++-- section at the end of this chapter (See pages 202-204 and 232-233.)

k. In a while loop expressing a definite repetition, the use of a control variable is essential.
True.  A definite loop increments and tests the loop control variable (or counter).  A typical test for a definite loop is counter > final_value, where counter is a loop control variable. (See pages 205-206.)

l. In a nested loop, the outer loop is performed before the outer loop.
True.  Control enters the outer loop first, then the inner loop nested within the outer loop.  Once the inner loop completes, there may be more statements in the outer loop to execute, then control may continue again at the top of the outer loop.  (See pages 210-211.)

m. If both the inner and outer loops are governed by counters, the counters should be different.
True.  Resetting a counter variable in more than one place is usually a logic error.  (See page 238, common bug #16.)

n. Menu-driven programs shuold never contain loops.
False.  It's good user interface design to keep giving the user another chance to enter valid input, rather than give up.  (See pages 212-214.)

o. In a sentinel-controlled loop, there should be an initial Read before the loop executes.
True. The first Read sets up the entry condition, just in case the sentinel is the first item read.  (See pages 214-216.)

p. Loops are of great help in error trapping.
True.  Error trapping ensures that only valid data are entered.  A loop can check for invalid data, ignore it, and continue to look for more data.  (See page 216.)

q. File-processing programs may involve both reading from a file and writing to a file.
True.  However, the examples discussed in the book deal exclusively with reading from a file.  It's often useful to read from an external file and write output to standard output (usually the screen).  (See pages 216-219.)

r. The function eof() ends a program if it encounters an end-of-file character.
False.  The function eof() returns a bool value of true if it encounters an end-of-file character.  Typically  !eof()is the conditional-expression of a while loop.  The loop exits when eof() returns true; further processing may follow, such as closing an external file.  (See page 218.)

s. Every loop contains at least one bug.
False.  We hope!  ;-)  Loops are, however, a common cause for bugs.  Study the Common Bugs section of this chapter as well as the multimedia coverage of bugs.  (See pages 237-239.)

t. Putting output statements into loops is a good way to squash bugs.
True.  One way to debug a loop is to insert output statements that show the value of variables that change in the loop, so you can observe the behavior of the loop.  (See page 221.)

u. Writing and confirming loop invariants is a good way to keep bugs out.
True.  Loop invariants provide an independent notation describing what a loop is intended to do.  Making sure the loop actually does what it is supposed to do can provide headaches from logic errors later. (See pages 207-209 and 220-221.)