Chapter 15 review. Are the following statements true or false? Explain why or why not.

a) The subscript or index operator, [], can take any number as its argument.
False. A subscript or index must be of type int.

b) myName[1] accesses the first character of the String myName.
False. It accesses the second character; myName[0] accesses the first character.

c) If a subscript of a LOOKOUT string or array class goes out of bounds, LOOKOUT yells whoa!
False. Lookout will not yell whoa, but it will generate code that will generate an out of bounds error message at run-time.

d) If a subscript of a Java string or array goes out of bounds, the C++ compiler will yell whoa!
False. Java interpreters will check if array indices go out of bounds at run time though.

e) Lstring is more abstract than C strings (which is good!), but a little less efficient.
True. String encapsulate low level C strings and provides run-time subscript bounds checking. Bounds checking does have a cost which programs using C strings don't pay.

f) IntArray ia(10,20) constructs an IntArray whose lower bound is 10 and upper is 20.
False. That might be an interesting way to construct arrays, but the Lookout class library keeps things simple. The constructor IntArray(int sz,int init=0) assumes that the lower bound is zero and the upper bound is sz-1.

g) If quizScores is a partially filled array, then quizScores.size() is not the right upper bound for a definite loop iterating through all its elements.
True. Since a partially filled array does not have legitimate values in all its elements, a loop should use an upper bound which subscripts the last legitimate value, size(), the last element.

h) Good rule of thumb: initialize a definite loop counter just before entering the loop.
True. Otherwise the definite loop counter will be undefined upon entering the loop and incrementing it will give an unpredictable result.

i) "Real" C++ programmers prefer for loops because then they don't have to remember the aforementioned rule.
True. For example: for (i=0; i < last; i++) The first part of the for loop, i=0, initializes the counter and the last part, i++, increments it, making a for loop a compact way to represent definite counter loops. But such loops can be implemented just as effectively by while loops, once you learn the definite loop pattern.

j) If LinearSearch() fails to find a key in an array, a run-time error occurs.
False. Instead, this function returns NotFound, a const value set to -1, to indicate this condition. The caller can test for this value and act accordingly.

k) LinearSearch() is fine for little arrays, but a dog for telephone books!
True. Searching every single element from the beginning is inefficient for large arrays.

l) SelectionSort() swaps the smallest value in an array with the first element of the array. True, assuming it's sorting in ascending order. This swap arranges the smallest element to the front of the array; the sort then swaps the next smallest element to the second position, and so forth.

m) BinarySearch() works by examining the binary values of array elements.
False. It divides a previously sorted array in half, then in half again, and so forth, until it finds the desired element. The "binary" in the name has to do with division by two.

n) LinearSearch() and BinarySearch(), as implemented in the book, only search for int values.
True. But it's not hard to modify these algorithms to work with other element types. Even more generality can be achieved using templates.

o) A StringArray is a two-dimensional array.
True. It's an array of String and each String is in turn an array of char.

p) The expression WordList[2][1] gets the element at column 2, row 1.
False. It's row-major, so this expression gets the element at row 2, column 1. Bear in mind that there is also a row 0 and column 0.

q) In C++, access to two-dimensional arrays is row-major. True, as pointed out by the answer to the previous question.

r) The game Hangman is a good application for a StringArray.
True. A StringArray is an array of Lstring, where each Lstring is an array of char. In Hangman, each user guess is an Lstring, all of which can be stored in a StringArray. Or the game can store possible guess in a StringArray.