Class Presentations

Here is the schedule of presentations for the rest of the semester. You are responsible for reading all papers before they are presented and should be prepared to discuss them in class. In the table below, the name of each paper is hyperlinked to an electronic version of it. Some of these are in PDF, others in PostScript. You may need to download the approriate plug-in to view them.

Wed., Nov 6The CMUnited-98 champion simulator team (alternate formats) [SVR99]Kevin Prudente
Fri., Nov. 8Evaluation of KQML as an Agent Communication Language [MLF96]Jason Boire
Mon., Nov. 11Towards Flexible Teamwork [Tam97]Chris Janneck
Wed., Nov. 13Teamwork [CL91]Sui-Yu Wang
Fri., Nov. 15On Agent-Based Software Engineering [Jen00]Wang Qiang
Mon., Nov. 18Infosleuth: Semantic Integration of Information in Open and Dynamic Environments [Bay97]Adam Sawyer
Wed., Nov. 20Mobile Agents: Are they a good idea? [HCK95]Yuanbo Guo
Fri., Nov. 22DAML+OIL (read reference and daml+oil walkthru) [JC01]Zhengxiang Pan
Mon., Nov. 25A Scaleable Comparison-Shopping Agent for the World-Wide Web [DEW97]Hua Jiang
Mon., Dec. 2An Introduction to Blackboard-Style Systems Organization [PHR98]Mike Daly
Wed., Dec. 4Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: The State of the Art [WC01]Scott Frees
Fri., Dec. 6Electric Elves: Applying Agent Technology to Support Human Organizations. [CGK01]Sumit Jain


[Bay97]Bayardo et al.;Infosleuth: Semantic Integration of Information in Open and Dynamic Environments. In Proc. of the 1997 ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 195-206. Also in Readings in Agents, M. N. Huhns and M. P. Singh eds., Morgan Kaufman, 1997

[CGK01] H. Chalupsky, Y. Gil, C.A. Knoblock, K. Lerman, J. Oh, D.V. Pynadath, T.A. Russ, and M. Tambe. Electric Elves: Applying Agent Technology to Support Human Organizations. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI-01), Menlo Park, 2001. AAAI Press.

[CL91] Cohen, P. R. & Levesque, H. J. (1991). Teamwork. Nous 25(4), pp. 487-512. Special Issue on Cognitive Science and Artifical Intelligence.

[DEW97] R. Doorenbos, O. Etzioni, and D. Weld. A Scalable Comparison-Shopping Agent for the World-Wide Web. In Proc. of Autonomous Agents 1997. 1997.

[HCK95] Mobile Agents: Are they a good idea?, Colin Harrison, David Chess and Aaron Kershenbaum. Research report, IBM .J. Watson Research Center, March 1995.

[Jen00] N. R. Jennings (2000) "On Agent-Based Software Engineering" Artificial Intelligence, 117 (2) 277-296.

[JC01] Joint Committee on Agent Markup Languages. The DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML+OIL). March 2001.

[MLF96] James Mayfield, Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin. Evaluation of KQML as an Agent Communication Language, in Intelligent Agents Volume II -- Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages. M. Wooldridge, J. P. Muller and M. Tambe (eds). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1996.

[PHR98] K. Pfleger & B. Hayes-Roth. An Introduction to Blackboard-Style Systems Organization. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1998

[SVR99] Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, and Patrick Riley. The CMUnited-98 champion simulator team. In Minoru Asada and Hiroaki Kitano, editors, RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999.

[Tam97] Tambe, M. 1997. Towards Flexible Teamwork. In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 7, Pages 83-124.

[WC01] M. Wooldridge and P.Ciancarini. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: The State of the Art In P. Ciancarini and M. Wooldridge, editors, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in AI Volume 1957, January 2001.