Signup Sheet for Paper Critiques

Here are the papers to be critiqued and the students who have signed up for them.

The CMUnited-98 Champion Simulator Team 11/27 Siliang Li, Xinlei Wu
Markov Games as a Framework for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 11/29 Zaihan Yang, Gabriel Young
Acting Optimally in Partially Observable Stochastic Domains 11/29 Ameet Chitnis, Isaac Rieksts
A Scaleable Comparison-Shopping Agent for the World-Wide Web 12/4 Chris Wojciechowski, Pingping Xiu
Electric Elves: Applying Agent Technology to Support Human Organizations 12/4 Basuki Setio, Xingjian Zhang
A Plug-in Architecture for Generating Collaborative Agent Responses 12/6 Marcelo Hinojosa