Semantic Web Tool Tutorial and Evaluation

There are a number of software tools that have been developed for the Semantic Web. In this assignment, you are to choose a tool, learn how to use it, present a tutorial to the class on the tool, and write a report that describes the tool and evaluates it. Below is a list of tools that you might consider evaluating. The name of each tool is hyperlinked to a site with more information on it. Some of these tools are basically programming libraries, so evaluating them may require you to write programs that use them. Each student must choose a different tool. You are welcome to propose to evaluate a tool that is not on this list, but it must be of similar complexity. A large list of Semantic Web tools is available from the DAML website.

A tool for creating and editing ontologies.
A tool for adding semantic markup to a page.
An annotation tool which provides both automated and semi-automated support for annotating web pages with semantic contents. MnM inlcudes a web browser and an ontology editor.
A forward-chaining reasoner and general purpose processor for RDF.
SWI-Prolog Semantic Web Library
A version of Prolog that comes with built-in support for RDF and OWL.
A tool for reasoning about DAML using Jess, a rule-based reasoning system.
Trellis Web
An interactive environment that allows users to add their observations, opinions, and conclusions as they analyze information by making semantic annotations to documents and other on-line resources.
A tool that enables ordinary users to easily and quickly assemble reports extracting and fusing information from multiple, heterogeneous DAMLized Web sources.

Your presentation should primarily serve as a tutorial on how to use the tool for the rest of the class. However, it should also include a brief evaluation about what you think are the best and worst aspects of the tool. Use of multimedia visual aids (e.g., PowerPoint slides and live demonstrations) is strongly encouraged. Be prepared to answers questions from me and the class. You will be graded on your understanding of the tool and the quality of your presentation.

Your written report should be more in-depth than your presentation. It should discuss the purpose of the tool and describe how to use it. At least two pages should be devoted to evaluating the tool. The evaulation should consider questions such as: Does the tool do everything that its developer claim? How usable is it? How could you make the tool better? The total report should be between 10 and 20 pages long, double-spaced. At least 9 pages must consist of text (as opposed to screen shots and graphics). Of course, the report should be in your own words. If you do need to quote a paper or manual, be sure to clearly indicate that it is a quotation and cite the source. Plagiarism is a violation of Lehigh's Code of Conduct and could result in failure of the course.

You must sign up for a tool and a presentation time slot by the end of class on Tuesday, Sept. 30. The presentations will be given on Oct. 28 and Oct. 30. There are three 20-25 minute slots on Oct. 28, and two 30-35 minutes slots on Oct. 30. The tool report is due at the beginning of class on Oct. 28.