Blackboard Resources


Equipment and Facilities

You will be using C/C++ under Windows on any computer with OpenGL and GLUT libraries.  Completed programs will be submitted through the Blackboard site.  The submitted programs will be evaluated using Visual Studio 2008 on a Windows workstation in the Sandbox Lab (Packard Lab 112). The program source code will be read.  Source code documentation should make your program easy to read, and convey your understanding of the techniques your program demonstrates.

Note:  Microsoft Visual Studio (including Visual C++) is available via “Install Software” on the WIRED LAN.  Students may also borrow a copy from the Fairchild Martindale Library Circulation Desk to install on their own computers.


Setting Up OpenGL and Running a Test Program

Once you have installed Visual Studio (VS) 2008 on your computer, start VS and create a new Win32 Console Application: “File-->New-->Project.” Then follow the steps below to set up the OpenGL and Glut environment and run a test program.

1.     Download and install header files.

2.     Download and install lib files.

3.     Download and install dll files.

4.     Additional Setup of Paths if the include or lib files were placed elsewhere.

o      “Show Directories for” --> “Include Files” -->to add the path to OpenGL and Glut header files, e.g.  C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\GL

o      “Show Directories for” --> “Library Files”--> to add the path to OpenGL and Glut lib files, e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\lib\GL

      5.  Add the test program (courtesy of F. S. Hill, Jr.) to your new project.  Build the project and run it.  Once you see an OpenGL window with a Rosette, press the following keys and observe what happens!


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