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Hank Korth


Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Lehigh University

Bethlehem, PA 18015


hfk at lehigh dot edu



Hank Korth is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Lehigh University. Korth's current research is focused in blockchain systems, with an emphasis on blockchain databases and applications in financial systems. More broadly, Korth’s research focuses on database systems, information systems and distributed systems. He is co-author of Database Systems Concepts, now in its seventh edition; and of over 100 journal and conference publications. Previously, Korth was Director of Database Principles Research at Bell Laboratories. Korth is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE. At the 1995 International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, his paper “A Model of CAD Transactions” was chosen as “Most Influential Paper from the Proceedings of Ten Years Ago.”


See blockchain.cse.lehigh.edu for all Lehigh blockchain activity: research, teaching, and partnerships.

Research areas:
Blockchain systems: Consensus algorithms, parallelization, performance issues
Database systems: transaction processing, XML database, architecture-aware query processing,
Distributed and parallel systems: consensus, transactions, query processing
Real-time systems: Deadline-driven systems and main-memory database systems
Telecom applications

Teaching: Korth's current teaching focuses on blockchain systems and database systems. His list of current and prior courses includes:
Blockchain Algorithms and Systems
Blockchain Concepts and Applications
Database Systems, Algorithms, and Applications
Database Systems and Applications
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Real-time and Responsive Systems
Seminar in Data Systems Research
Computing/Business Seminar
Breath of Computer Science
Introduction to Computer Science
Structured Programming and Data Structures
Technical Presentation
Research Methods


·       Biography

·       Research Lab: Scalable Systems & Software Research Group

·       Blockchain Lab, Center for Financial Services

·       Google Scholar Citations Page

·       The Database System Concepts Book

·       The Mobile Computing Book

·       Ph.D. Students

·       Information on courses that I am teaching

Last updated September 4, 2021.