Package pacworld

Class Summary
CustomPanel A package delivery GUI class.
Direction A utility class that encapsulates information about compass directions.
Dropoff A package delivery agent action that causes the agent to drop a package in the specified direction.
Idle A package delivery agent action that causes the agent to do nothing.
Location A simple class representing a location on a grid.
Move A package delivery agent action that causes the agent to advance one step in the given direction.
PacAgent An agent for the Package World.
PacAgentRep The representation of a Package World agent.
PacGUI A package delivery GUI class.
Package A package for the package delivery world.
PackageState Represents a state in the package world.
PackageWorld A simulator for the package delivery world environment.
PacPercept A percept in the package delivery world.
Pickup A package delivery agent action that causes the agent to pickup a package that is located next to the agent in the specified direction.
Say A package delivery agent action that causes the agent to broadcast a message to all other agents.
VisibleAgent The representation of an agent in an agent's percept.
VisiblePackage The representation of a package in an agent's percept.