Hector Munoz-Avila
Reifsnyder, N., Munoz-Avila, H. (2020). Policy regression for monitoring execution in goalreasoning systems. Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS-2020).
Fine-Morris, M., Auslander, B., Floyd, M. W., Pennisi, G., Munoz-Avila, H., Gupta, K. (2020). Learning Hierarchical Task Networks with Landmarks and NumericFluents by Combining Symbolic and Numeric Regression. Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS-2020).
Reifsnyder, N., Munoz-Avila, H. (2020). Computing Numeric Expectations for Cognitive Agents. Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS-2020).
Bergmann, T., Minor, M., Bach, K., Althoff, K.D., Munoz-Avila, H. (2020) Fallbasiertes Schliessen. In: Handbuch der Kunstlichen Intelligenz. De Gruyter. To appear.
Dannenhauer, D.; Munoz-Avila, H. and Cox, M. T. (2020) Expectations for Agents with Goal-Driven Autonomy. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
Fine-Morris, M., Auslander, B., Munoz-Avila, H., Gupta, K. (2020) Learning Action with Symbolic Literals and Continuous Effects for a Waypoint Navigation Simulation. Intelligent Systems Conference (IntellySys 2020).
Reifsnyder, N., Munoz-Avila, H. (2020) Computing Policy's Regression Expectations in Probabilistic Domains. PAIR-20: AAAI-20 Workshop on Plan Activity and Intent Recognition.
Mousavi, H.K., Liu, G., Yuan, W., Takac, M., Munoz-Avila, H. and Motee, N. (2019) A Layered Architecture for Active Perception: Image Classification using Deep Reinforcement Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09705.
Reifsnyder, N., Munoz-Avila, H. (2019) Monitoring Numeric Expectations in Goal Reasoning Agents. ICAPS-19 Workshop on Reasoning about Actions and Processes.
Reifsnyder, N., Munoz-Avila, H. (2019) Computing Agent Expectations in Nondeterministic Domains. ICAPS-19 Workshop on Integrating Planning, Acting, and Execution (IntEx)
Fine-Morris, M., Munoz-Avila, H. (2019) Learning Domain Structure in HGNs for ND planning. Second ICAPS-19 Workshop on Hierarchical Planning.
Munoz-Avila, H. Dannenhauer, D., Reifsnyder, Noah (2019) Is Everything Going According to Plan? - Expectations in Goal Reasoning Agents. Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19).
Dannenhauer, D., Cox, M.T., Munoz-Avila, H. (2018) Declarative metacognitive expectations for high-level cognition. Advances in Cognitive Systems Journal. v. 6. pp 1-20.
Gopalakrishnan, S., Munoz-Avila, H., Kuter, U. (2018) Learning Task Hierarchies Using Statistical Semantics and Goal Reasoning. Special Issue on Goal Reasoning. AI Communications.
Munoz-Avila, H. (2018) Adaptive Goal Driven Autonomy. 26th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning.
Kondrakunta, R., Gogineni, V. R., Molineaux, M., Munoz-Avila, H., Oxenham, M. and Cox. M. T. (2018) Toward Problem Recognition, Explanation and Goal Formulation. IJCAI-18 Workshop on Goal Reasoning.
Reifsnyder, N., Muñoz-Avila, H. (2018) Goal Reasoning with Goldilocks and Regression Expectations in Nondeterministic Domains. IJCAI-18 Workshop on Goal Reasoning.
Nguyen, S., Reifsnyder, N., Gopalakrishnan, S., Muñoz-Avila, H. (2017) Automated Learning of Hierarchical Task Networks for Controlling Minecraft Agents. IEEEs 2017 Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games (CIG-17). IEEE.
Dannenhauer, D., Muñoz-Avila, H., Kondrakunta, S (2017) Goal-Driven Autonomy Agents with Sensing Costs. IJCAI-17 Workshop on Goal Reasoning.
Qi, C., Wang, D., Muñoz-Avila, H., Zhao, P., & Wang, H. (2017). Hierarchical task network planning with resources and temporal constraints. Knowledge-Based Systems.
Gopalakrishnan, S., Muñoz-Avila, H. and Kuter, U. (2016) WORD2HTN: Learning Task Hierarchies Using Statistical Semantics and Goal Reasoning. the IJCAI-2016 Workshop on Goal Reasoning. AAAI Press. PDF
Dannenhauer, D., Munoz-Avila, H., & Cox, M. (2016). Informed Expectations to Guide GDA Agents in Partially Observable Environments. To appear in Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16). Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press. PDF
Cox, M. T., Alavi, Z., Dannenhauer, D., & Munoz-Avila, H. (2016). MIDCA: A metacognitive, integrated dual-cycle architecture for self-regulated autonomy. To appear in Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16). Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press. PDF
Coman, A., Gillespie, K., Muñoz-Avila, H. (2015) Case-based Local and Global Percept Processing for Rebel Agents. ICCBR-2015 Workshop on Case-Based Agents. PDF
Dannenhauer, D. and Muñoz-Avila, H. (2015) Raising Expectations in GDA Agents Acting in Dynamic Environments. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15). AAAI Press. PDF
Coman, A., Gillespie, H., and Muñoz-Avila, H. (2015) Believable Emotion-Influenced Perception: The Path to Motivated Rebel Agents. Advances in Cognitive Systems Workshop on Goal Reasoning. PDF
Dannenhauer, D., Muñoz-Avila, H. and Cox, M. (2015) Towards Cognition-level Goal Reasoning for Playing Real-Time Strategy Games. Advances in Cognitive Systems Workshop on Goal Reasoning. PDF
Muñoz-Avila, H., Wilson, M. and Aha, D.W. (2015) Guiding the Ass with Goal Motivation Weights. Advances in Cognitive Systems Workshop on Goal Reasoning. PDF
Dannenhauer, D. and Muñoz-Avila, H. (2015) Goal-Driven Autonomy with Semantically-annotated Hierarchical Cases. International Conference on Case-based Reasoning (ICCBR-15). Springer. PDF
Hankui Zhuoa, H., Munoz-Avila, H., Yang, Q. (2014) Learning Hierarchical Task Network Domains from Partially Observed Plan Traces. Artificial Intelligence Journal.
Song, D., Kim, E., Huang, X., Patruno, J., Munoz-Avila, H., Heflin, J., Long, R., Antani, S. (2014) Multi-modal Entity Coreference for Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. |
Hogg, C., Munoz-Avila, H., Kuter, U. (2014) Learning Hierarchical Task Models from Input Traces. Computational Intelligence.
Frazer, A.K., OSéaghdha P. G., Munoz-Avila, H., Roessler, N. (2014). Competitor Activation and Semantic Interference: Evidence from Combined Phonological and Semantic Similarity. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2014). PDF
Coman, A. and Muñoz-Avila, H.
(2014) Motivation Discrepancies for Rebel Agents: Towards a Framework for Case-based Goal-Driven Autonomy for Character Believability. ICCBR-14 Workshop on Case-based Agents. PDF
Öztürk, P., Muñoz-Avila, H., Aamodt, A.
(2014) Explanation of Opportunities. ICCBR-14 Workshop on Case-based Agents. PDF
Dannenhauer, D. and Muñoz-Avila, H. (2013) LUIGi: A Goal-Driven Autonomy Agent Reasoning with Ontologies. Advances in Cognitive Systems Conference (ACS-13). PDF
Li, H., Munoz-Avila, H., Ke, L., Symborski, C., & Alonso, R. (2013). Discovery of Player Strategies in a Serious Game. In HCOM 2013 Workshop on Human Computation and Machine Learning in Games. PDF
Kuter, U. and Muñoz-Avila, H. (2013) HALTER: Hierarchical Abstraction Learning via Task and Event Regression. ACS-13 Worskshop on Goal Reasoning.
OSéaghdha P. G., Packer, D. P., Frazer, A. K., Preusse, K. C., Hatalis, K., Munoz-Avila, H., Hupbach, A. (2013, November). Does mere co-activation drive semantic interference? Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto. (Abstract)
Ulit Jaidee, Héctor Muñoz-Avila, (2013) Modeling Unit Classes as Agents in Real-Time Strategy Games. The Ninth Annual AI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-13). AAAI Press. Boston, MA
Alexandra Coman, Héctor Muñoz-Avila, (2013) Automated Generation of Diverse NPC-controlling FSMs using Nondeterministic Planning Techniques. The Ninth Annual AI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-13). AAAI Press. Boston, MA
Ulit Jaidee, Héctor Muñoz-Avila, David W. Aha. (2013) Case-Based Goal-Driven Coordination of Multiple Learning Agents. the twenty-first International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR). Saratoga, NY.
Giulio Finestrali, Héctor Muñoz-Avila. (2013) Case-Based Learning of Applicability Conditions for Stochastic Explanations. The twenty-first International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR). Saratoga, NY.
Dustin Dannenhauer, Hector Munoz-Avila. (2013) Case-based Goal Selection Inspired by IBM's Watson. the twenty-first International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR). Saratoga, NY.
Cowling, P., Buro, M., Bouzy, B., Nau, D., Butz, M., Hingston, P., Botea, A., Sipper, M. Muñoz-Avila, H., and Bida, M. (2013) Search in Real-Time Video Games. In: Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Games. Dagstuhl.
Muñoz-Avila, H., Bida, M., Kendall, G., Bauckhage, C., and Bates Congdon, C. (2013) Learning and Game AI. In: Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Games. Dagstuhl.
Aha, D. W., Cox, M. T., and Munoz-Avila, H. (Eds.) (2013) Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems: Workshop on Goal Reasoning (Tech. Rep. No. CS-TR-5029). College Park, MD: University of Maryland, Department of Computer Science. |
Munoz-Avila, H., (2013) Special Issue on Innovative Applications of AI Magazine. AAAI Press |
Fromherz, M., Munoz-Avila, H. (2012) Special Issue on Innovative Applications of AI Magazine. AAAI Press |
Fromherz, M., Munoz-Avila, H. (2012) Special Issue on Innovative Applications of AI AI Magazine. AAAI Press |
Bishop, MJ, Weppel, S., & Munoz-Avila, H. (2012) The Design of Scaffolding in Game-based Learning: A Formative Evaluation. Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR). |
Coman, A., Munoz-Avila, H. (2012) Plan-based Character Diversity. The Eighth Annual AI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-12). AAAI Press. |
Coman, A., Munoz-Avila, H. (2012) Creating Diverse Storylines by Reusing Plan-Based Stories. ICCBR-12 Workshop on TRUE and Story Cases: Traces for Reusing Users' Experiences - Cases, Episodes, and Stories |
Coman, A., Munoz-Avila, H. (2012) Diverse Plan Generation by Adapting Episodic Knowledge and by Using Complete Models to Generate Solutions from Scratch: A Comparative Study. International Conference on Case-based reasoning (ICCBR-12). Springer. Nominated for best paper award. |
Jaidee, U., Muñoz-Avila, H., and Aha, D.W. (2012) Learning and Reusing Goal-Specific Policies for Goal-Driven Autonomy. International Conference on Case-based reasoning (ICCBR-12). Springer.
Jaidee, U., Muñoz-Avila, H., (2012) CLASSQL: A Q-Learning Algorithm for Adversarial Real-Time Strategy Games. AIIDE-12 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Real-Time Games. (focuses on a component of our GDA system and shows some level of coordination between agents) |
Jaidee, U., Munoz-Avila, H., Aha, D.W. (2011)
Integrated Learning for Goal-Driven Autonomy. To appear in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11). AAAI Press.
PDF file |
Coman, A., Munoz-Avila, H. (2011)
Generating Diverse Plans Using Quantitative and Qualitative
Plan Distance Metrics. To appear in: Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11)
PDF file |
Coman, A., Munoz-Avila, H. (2011)
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Plan Diversity in Case-Based Planning . To appear in: International Conference on Case-based reasoning (ICCBR-11)
PDF file |
Zhuo, H. H., Munoz-Avila, H., Yang, Q. (2011)
Learning Action Models for Multi-Agent Planning. To appear in: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-11)
PDF file |
Shapiro, D., Stracuzzi, D.J., Munoz-Avila, H. (2011)
Special Issue on Transfer of Structural Knowledge. AI Magazine. AAAI Press |
Hogg, C., Lee-Urban, S., Muñoz-Avila, H., Auslander, B., Smith, M. (2011) Game AI for Domination Games.To appear in Pedro Gonzales Calero (Ed.) Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games. Springer Verlag, 2011.
Shapiro, D., Stracuzzi, D.J., Munoz-Avila, H. (2011)
Special Issue on Transfer of Structural Knowledge. AI Magazine. AAAI Press |
Kuter, U., Munoz-Avila, H. (2010)
The IJCAI-09 Workshop on Learning Structural Knowledge From Observations (STRUCK-09) AI Magazine. AAAI press
Chad Hogg, Ugur Kuter, and Hector Munoz-Avila (2010)
Learning Methods to Generate Good Plans:
Integrating HTN Learning and Reinforcement Learning.
To appear in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-10).
AAAI Press.
Alexandra Comen and Hector Munoz-Avila (2010)
Case-based Plan Diversity.
To appear in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning
(ICCBR 2010).
AAAI Press.
Munoz-Avila, H., Aha, D.W., Jaidee, U., Carter, Elizabeth. (2010)
Goal-Driven Autonomy with Case-Based Reasoning.
To appear in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning
(ICCBR 2010).
AAAI Press.
Kellen Gillespie, Justin Karneeb, Stephen Lee-Urban and Hector Munoz-Avila (2010)
Imitating Inscrutable Enemies: Learning from Stochastic Policy Observation, Retrieval and Reuse.
To appear in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning
(ICCBR 2010).
AAAI Press.
Matt Dilts and Hector Munoz-Avila (2010)
Reducing the Memory Footprint of Temporal Difference Learning over Finitely Many States by Using Case-Based Generalization .
To appear in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning
(ICCBR 2010).
AAAI Press.
Munoz-Avila, H., Aha, D.W., Jaidee, U., Klenk, M., & Molineaux, M. (2010).
Applying goal directed autonomy to a team shooter game. To appear in Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. Daytona Beach, FL: AAAI Press.
Kuter, U. & Munoz-Avila,
H. (Eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the IJCAI-09 Workshop on Learning Structural Knowledge From Observations. Pasadena, CA: AAAI Press.
S., Smith, M. & Munoz-Avila, H. (2008) Learning Winning Policies in Team-Based First-Person Shooter Games. To
appear In: AI Game Programing Wisdom 4.
Charles River Media
Munoz-Avila, Cox, M.T. (2008)
Case-Based Plan Adaptation: An Analysis and Review. To appear in: IEEE Intelligent Systems. IEEE inc.
PDF file |
Munoz-Avila, Cox, M.T. (2008)
Case-Based Plan Adaptation: An Analysis and Review. To appear in: IEEE Intelligent Systems. IEEE inc.
PDF file |
Chad Hogg, Ugur Kuter, and Hector Munoz-Avila (2009)
Learning Hierarchical Task Networks for Nondeterministic Planning Domains.
To appear in Proceedings of the Twenty-first International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09).
AAAI Press.
Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Derek Hao Hu, Chad Hogg
Qiang Yang, and Hector Munoz-Avila (2009)
Learning HTN Method Preconditions and Action Models from Partial
To appear in Proceedings of the Twenty-first International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09).
AAAI Press.
Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Derek Hao Hu,
Qiang Yang, Chad Hogg and Hector Munoz-Avila (2009)
Learning Model Structures in AI Planning from Partial Observations.
To appear in Proceedings of the IJCAI-09 Workshop on Learning Structural Information from Traces (STRUCK-09).
AAAI Press.
Chad Hogg, Ugur Kuter, and Hector Munoz-Avila (2009)
From Plan Traces to Hierarchical Task Networks
Using Reinforcements: A Preliminary Report.
To appear in Proceedings of the IJCAI-09 Workshop on Learning Structural Information from Traces (STRUCK-09).
AAAI Press.
Stephen Lee-Urban, Hector Munoz-Avila(2009)
Adaptation Versus Retrieval Trade-Off Revisited: an Analysis on Boundary Conditions.
To appear in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR-09).
AAAI Press.
Hua Li, Hector Munoz-Avila, Diane Bramsen, Chad Hogg, Rafael Alonso. (2009)
Spatial Event Prediction by Combining Value Function Approximation and Case-Based Reasoning.
To appear in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR-09).
AAAI Press.
Hogg, Chad, Munoz-Avila, Hector, and Ugur Kuter. (2008)
HTN-MAKER: Learning HTNs with Minimal Additional Knowledge Engineering Required.
To appear in Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-08).
AAAI Press.
Hogg, Chad, Lee-Urban, Stephen, Auslander, Bryan, and Munoz-Avila, Hector. (2008) Discovering Feature Weights for Feature-Based Indexing of Q-Tables. To appear in Proceedings of the Uncertainty and Knowledge Discovery in CBR Workshop at the 9th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR-08).
Auslander, Bryan, Lee-Urban, Stephen, Hogg, Chad, and Munoz-Avila, Hector. (2008) Recognizing The Enemy: Combining Reinforcement Learning with Strategy Selection using Case-Based Reasoning. To appear in Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR-08).
Kuchibatla, V., and Muñoz-Avila, H. (2008)
An Analysis on Transformational Analogy: General Framework and Complexity
To appear in Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-08). Nectar track.
AAAI Press.
Xu, K., Munoz-Avila (2007)
CaBMA: A Case-Based Reasoning System for Capturing, Refining and Reusing Project Plans
To appear in: Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS). Springer.
PDF file
Ponsen, M., Munoz-Avila, H., Spronk, P., Aha, D. (2007)
Knowledge Acquisition for Adaptive Game AI.
To appear in: Science of Computer Programming. Special Issue on Computer
Games. Elsevier.
Hogg, C. & Munoz-Avila, H. (2007)
Learning of Tasks Models for
HTN Planning.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-07 Workshop on AI Planning and Learning (AIPL). AAAI Press.
Vasta, M., Lee-Urban S. & Munoz-Avila, H. (2007)
RETALIATE: Learning Winning Policies in First-Person Shooter Games.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI-07). AAAI Press.
Sanchez Ruiz-Granados, A., Lee-Urban, S. & Munoz-Avila, H.,
Gonzalez Calero, P. A., Diaz Agudo, B. (2007)
Game AI for a Turn-based Strategy Game with Plan Adaptation and
Ontology-based retrieval.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-07 Workshop on ICAPS 2007 Workshop on Planning in Games. AAAI Press.
Lee-Urban, S., Parker, A., Kuter, U., Munoz-Avila, H., & Nau, D. (2007)
Transfer Learning of Hierarchical Task-Network Planning
Methods in a Real-Time Strategy Game.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-07 Workshop on ICAPS 2007 Workshop on Planning and Learning (AIPL). AAAI Press.
Warfield, I., Hogg, C., Lee-Urban, S., Munoz-Avila, H. (2007)
Adaptation of Hierarchical Task Network Plans.
Proceedings of the Twentieth Flairs International Conference (FLAIRS-07). AAAI Press.
Kuchibatla, V., and Munoz-Avila, H. (2006)
An Analysis on Transformational Analogy: General Framework and Complexity.
Proceedings of European Conference in Case-based reasoning (ECCBR-06). Springer.
Lee-Urban, S. Munoz-Avila, H. (2006)
.An study of Process Languages for Planning Tasks.
Proceedings of the sixteenth International Conference on AI Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-06)
Doctoral Consortium.
Ilghami, O., Nau, D.S., and Munoz-Avila, H. (2006).
Learning to Do HTN Planning.
In: Proceedings of the sixteenth International Conference on AI Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-06).
Cumbria, UK: AAAI Press
Cox, M., Munoz-Avila, H., & Bergmann, R. (2006)
Case-based planning.
To appear in: The Knowledge Engineering Review. Cambridge press.
Ponsen, M., Munoz-Avila, H., Spronk, P., Aha, D. (2006)
Automatically generating game tactics with evolutionary learning.
To appear in: AI Magazine. AAAI Press.
PDF file
Munoz-Avila, H., Ricci, F., Burke R. (2006)
The Sixth International Conference on Case-Based reasoning.
AI Magazine. AAAI Press
H. & Hoang, H. (2006) Coordinating Teams of Bots with Hierarchical Task Network Planning. To
appear In: AI Game Programing Wisdom 3.
Charles River Media
Ilghami, O., Nau, D.S., Munoz-Avila, H., and Aha, D.
(2005) Learning Preconditions for Planning from Plan Traces and HTN Structure. Computational Intelligence, to appear.
H. & Francesco Ricci (Eds.) (2005).
Case-Based Reasoning Research and
Development. Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Case-based Reasoning (ICCBR-05). Chicago, Il: Springer.
Aha, D., Munoz-Avila,
H. & Michael van Lent (Eds.) (2005).
IJCAI 2005 Workshop on
Reasoning, Representation, and Learning in Computer Games. Edinburgh, UK: AAAI Press.
Nau, T.-C. Au, O. Ilghami, U. Kuter, H. Munoz-Avila, J. W. Murdock, D. Wu, and F. Yaman.
(2005) Applications of SHOP and SHOP2. IEEE Intelligent Systems.
Xu, K and Munoz-Avila,
H. (2005)
A Domain-Independent System for Case-Based Task Decomposition without Domain Theories
. Proceedings of the
Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-05)
Hoang, H., Lee-Urban, S., and Munoz-Avila,
Hierarchical Plan Representations for Encoding Strategic Game AI
. Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Interactive
Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE-05).
Ponsen, M., Munoz-Avila,
H., Spronck, P., and Aha, D.
Automatically Acquiring Domain Knowledge
For Adaptive Game AI Using Evolutionary Learning
. Proceedings of the
Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI05-05).
Ilghami, O., Munoz-Avila, H.,
Nau, D.S., and Aha, D.
Learning Approximate Preconditions for Methods in Hierarchical Plans.
Proceedings of the
the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning
(ICML 2005). AAAI Press. PDF
H. & Aha, D. (2004).
On the Role of Explanation
for Hierarchical Case-Based Planning
in Real-Time Strategy Games. Proceedings of ECCBR-04 Workshop on Explanations in CBR.
H. & Fisher, T. (2004)Strategic Planning for Unreal Tournament Bots
Proceedings of AAAI-04 Workshop on Challenges on Game AI.
AAAI Press. PDF.
Xu, K., & Munoz-Avila,
H. (2004)
CaBMA: Case-Based Project Management Assistant.
Proceedings of The Sixteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference
AAAI Press. PDF.
Sahasrabudhe, S., & Munoz-Avila, H. (2004)
Discovering Causal Chains by Integrating Plan Recognition and Sequential Pattern Mining.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Flairs International Conference (FLAIRS-04). AAAI Press.
. PDF.
Qasem, A., Heflin, J. & Munoz-Avila, H. (2004)
Efficient Source Discovery and Service Composition
for Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
In Workshop on Semantic Web Technology for Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications, ISWC 2004.
Dix, J., Munoz-Avila, H., Nau D. S., Zhang, L. (2003)
IMPACTing SHOP: Putting an AI Planner into a Multi-Agent Environment.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 37(4):381--407,
2003. Postscript file
Gupta, K., Aha, D.W., Nau, D.S. (2002) Knowledge Based Project Planning. In: Knowledge Management and Organizational
Memories. .
Kluwer Academic Publishers
C., Sqalli, M., Rissland, E., Munoz-Avila, H., & Aha, D.W. (2002)
Case-Based Reasoning Integrations To appear in
AI Magazine. AAAI Press.
Munoz-Avila, H. (2001)
Case-Base Maintenance by Integrating Case Index Revision and Case Retention Policies in a Derivational
Replay Framework. Computational Intelligence. Blackwell Publishers
Postscript file |
Nau, D.S., Cao, Y., Lotem, A., & Munoz-Avila, H. (2001)
The Shop Planning System. In AI Magazine. Vol 3, n. 1. AAAI Press.
Aha, D.W., Breslow, L.A., Munoz-Avila, H. (2001)
Conversational Case-Based Reasoning.
Applied Intelligence. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
PDF file |
Aha, D.W., & Munoz-Avila, H. (2001).
Editorial for the Special Issue on Interactive Case-Based Reasoning.
Applied Intelligence
Munoz-Avila, H., Hendler, J. A., & Aha, D. W. (1999)
Conversational Case-Based Planning.
Review of Applied Expert Systems. Taylor Graham Publishing.
Aha, D.W., Becerra-Fernandez, I., Maurer, F., & Munoz-Avila,
H. (Eds.) (1999).
Exploring Synergies of Knowledge
Management and Case-Based Reasoning.. Papers from the AAAI Workshop
(Technical Report WS-99-10). Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
Aha, & Munoz-Avila,
H. (Eds.) (2001).
Special Issue on Conversational Case-based
reasoning. . Applied Intelligence.
Munoz-Avila, H.,
Bergmann, R., Munoz-Avila, H., Veloso, M. M., & Melis, E. (1998) Case-based
Reasoning Applied to Planning Tasks. In: M. Lenz, B. Bartsch-Spoerl,
H.D. Burkhard, & S. Wess (Eds.). Case-Based Reasoning Technology from Foundations to Applications, Springer-Verlag
Veloso, M., Munoz-Avila, H. & Bergmann, R. (1996)
Case-based Planning: Selected Methods and Systems.
AI Communications, 9 (3), IOS Press.
Bergmann, R., Munoz-Avila, H. & Veloso, M.M. (1996)
Fallbasiertes Planen: Ausgewaehlte Methoden und Systeme. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz.
For conference publications prior to 2004, please check here |